This film introduces Rose, a white woman, who is bringing her boyfriend Chris, a black man, to meet her family. Chris has nerves surrounding this, given this. This movie leads to insane twists and turns with sooo many easter eggs and foreshadowing involved.
I recently watched this video discussing hidden messages/easter eggs in this film. Not only did the movie itself blow my mind, but this video did as well. Here are some notable easter eggs that I personally missed: 1. The song playing at the beginning of the movie, which was called "RedBone" by Childish Gambino says the lyrics, "Stay woke," and "Don't go to sleep." These are a message to Chris telling him not to go to the sunken place. 2. It is assumed that bringing up Obama is a part of the Armitage script. Despite this, at the family party, the Armitage family is wearing all red, while Chris is wearing blue, perhaps suggesting political parties. 4. Although it had appeared that Rose got angry at the police officer for asking for Chris' ID for race-related reasons, in reality, she didn't want the officer to see Chris' ID in case he was reported as missing. 5. When Chris gets up in the middle of the night, we see Walter running. We find out that Walter is really Roses's Grandfather, who was an Olympic runner and was beaten by a black man, so that is why we see him running. 6. Finally, regarding Roses's grandmother, it was said that she loved the kitchen and that there was "a piece of her still in there," and that piece is Georgina.
I love it when I read a post like this, indicating inescapable engagement. I love that you watched the 2nd half at home!